Friday, 16 October 2015


"Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed".
John: 20:29 (KJV)
Today, I see a clientele of believers who want to see the word work before they believe. This trend is dangerous because what marks you out as a believer is that you believe without seeing. The believer is not moved by sight or feelings but rather, by what God said in His word. If He has said it, then that settles it. Don't begin to factor in your number six. Allow God to honour His word in your life. Your feelings have nothing to do with what God wants to do in your life. Don't give room to the lies of the devil, rather take time to remind yourself of the promises that God has made to you and see them come to pass in your mind's eye. Always understand that delay is not denial. The fact that it has not happened yet does not mean it will not come to pass. Hang in there and hold on to the word.
Another thing that can help your faith is to listen to other people's testimonies. When people share their testimonies about what God has done, listen and assure yourself that you will be the next in line for a miracle. The reason why it is necessary to share testimonies is to glorify God and to strengthen others faith that the word of God works. In addition, you are further assured that what God did for one person, He can and will do for another. Don't listen to the lie of the devil that you will not testify. You will surely testify. The Lord will surely visit you and fill your mouth with testimonies. Hold on continuously to the word of God because it has no margin for failure. You can stake your life on it.
It is also important that you learn to store up the word of God in your heart because that is what comes handy in the hour of need. Learn to discover the word for yourself because there is a word for every situation you are passing through. Find out what God is saying to you. That word is more potent than anything you can see. Remember that the warfare we are in is a battle of words: so never allow the devil have the last word in your situation. If he speaks concerning any area of your life, simply declare the word of God to him. Let me remind you that the only thing you are permitted to be gluttonous about is the word of God. Read the word, meditate on it, speak it to yourself and be all that God has ordained you to be. I will hear your testimony.
Further reading: John 20:24-30, 2 Corinthians 5:7

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